Personalization at Scale with AI

Personalization at Scale with AI

Real Time Personalization Your website or social page visitors expect excellent content personalized to their unique problems and tastes. That’s unfortunate, when most marketers produce “one for all” content. It seems no one will be happy.  AI marketing software comes to the rescue.  AI systems use what’s called lookalike behaviors and database cues to pre-determine…

9 Key Artificial Intelligence Marketing Benefits

9 Key Artificial Intelligence Marketing Benefits

9 Top Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Improve Your Marketing Companies are in the early innings so to speak with artificial intelligence, yet some large businesses are already adopting AI and scoring points and building a first mover advantage in marketing using AI. It’s been frustrating that small businesses haven’t had access to AI marketing services…

Why Use AI Marketing?

Why Use AI Marketing?

What is the Advantage of AI in Marketing? At some point, you’ve asked the question “what is the advantage of artificial intelligence in marketing?” Well, turns out that software systems built to test and learn can make every aspect of your advertising, content strategy, and email campaigns much better. Why you need AI:  improves marketing…

Switch to Google AMP Pages

Switch to Google AMP Pages

Should You Switch Your Website to Google AMP? Are your website and Google rankings not looking so hot? Are your Facebook and Twitter visitors leaving quickly and you’ve suffered through no social media shares? It could be your content isn’t good enough, but it’s more likely that your website is slow. Google considers that a…

What is Artificial Intelligence Marketing?

What is Artificial Intelligence Marketing?

What is AI Marketing? AI marketing is the optimization of online marketing content, real time customer engagement, prediction of customer behavior, and the data guided acceleration of creating a high quality customer. AI reduces the need for granular marketing knowledge and experience.  AI marketing software can make you look like a marketing genius (with the…

Marketing Services Toronto

Marketing Services Toronto

AI Marketing Services Toronto While the number of marketing agencies and SEO agencies in Toronto has exploded, there hasn’t been a focus on quality in process or deliverables. Agencies are falling behind. There’s been a reluctance to accept the pivotal role and power of AI marketing in combination with great content and SEO.  High quality…

Marketing Services Boston

Marketing Services Boston

AI Marketing Services Boston The Boston area economy has grown tremendously the past 10 years. And as market competition within the US has increased, costs have risen.    AI Marketer’s cost advantage and leading edge strategy to utilize AI marketing to help you executve, learn, convert leads better, and make marketing less stressful. Our many…

Albert AI | Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Robot for Marketing

Albert AI | Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Robot for Marketing

Autonomous AI Software: It was only about 3 years ago that I began studying AI marketing software. Given all it could potentially do for a marketing agency and its clients, it was tough to comprehend how it could work for SMBs. There are a lot of niche marketing automation solutions for PPC, content, social…

Services for LA Realtors

Services for LA Realtors

Real Estate Marketing Services Los Angeles Los Angeles may be one of the most difficult real estate markets for a Realtor to earn a living. Competition in California cities is intense, sometimes hostile. And available housing stock is limited, time and money outlays are high, and it can be emotionally exhausting. Agents commonly feel run…

State of Artificial Intelligence in Sales and Marketing

State of Artificial Intelligence in Sales and Marketing

Do Managers Believe in AI Sales and Marketing? According to surveys, sales and marketing managers are not only intrigued by artificial intelligence, they’re also believers in it. And if sales is the lifeblood of all businesses, and AI does increase sales, then it might be difficult for sales and marketing managers to avoid adopting an…

Aspen Snowmass Mountain Bike Park, Colorado

Aspen Snowmass Mountain Bike Park, Colorado

Aspen/SnowMass Mountain Biking I was eagerly looking forward to visiting SnowMass Colorado to do some hiking and mountain biking last summer. While attending a convention in Denver, I was able to attend a Colorado Rockies Baseball game and more events in downtown Denver. Yet visiting the Colorado Rocky Mountains was a bigger thrill. Aspen and…

Marketing AI Conferences

Marketing AI Conferences

Marketing AI Conference The biggest marketing AI conference was held in Cleveland, Ohio on July 16th to 18th last summer. It’s called the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON). MAICON was created by Paul Roetzer and his organization called the Artificial Intelligence Marketing Institute. Paul is author of two excellent books on marketing for agencies. It’s…