Real Time Personalization
Your website or social page visitors expect excellent content personalized to their unique problems and tastes.
That’s unfortunate, when most marketers produce “one for all” content. It seems no one will be happy. AI marketing software comes to the rescue. AI systems use what’s called lookalike behaviors and database cues to pre-determine what a visitor really wants and needs.
Google and Facebook use this a lot. They have a big advantage. That’s why they’re always one step and know what you want before you do. This is called predictive analytics, and it enables content personalization. Actually, you can personalize the complete customer journey. It’s powerful and effective — check the latest Google stock price and Facebook stock price. It’s the key to their future.
Can a Realtor know when someone is thinking about selling their house? That would be powerful.
Unique Content Designed for Actual Customers
Okay so your content strategy is failing. Your selected materials, messages, visuals, and path were not aligned for each of those unique visitors. They left. But with real time personalization and predictive analytics, the AI robot can quickly figure out what they probably want. This can’t be done with old technology, only AI has the speed to do this. Learn more about real time personalization on the IBM Watson website.
Given what the new AI marketing solutions can offer, there is a case here for behavior-based content creation and delivery. AI can guide everything from how you create content to SEO to the conversion pathway. If you build your online marketing strategy on real, actual customer behavior rather than guesswork, your conversion rates could skyrocket.
Experienced People Need Not Apply
Of course, some marketers have been using profiling to design and adjust their online content experience and promotional messaging (customer experience). But that just isn’t good enough anymore, if it ever was. Others go by their long experience and hunches, but with tens of thousands of unique visitors and customers, how could that be good enough?
While profiling had its use in response to a dearth of customer data, it wasn’t that accurate. The fact is, each customer is unique. Each one has their own purpose, specific pain points, needs, attitudes, preferences, knowledge, and is in their own phase in the buying cycle. Each customer has their own search history and content view history.
No customer is alike. There’s little point in grouping them into categories. And automated marketing systems haven’t been very successful with it. Do new AI systems have something extra that makes a difference?
Customer profiling and traditional content development is old news because AI marketing systems are taking over by using real customer behavior. Yes, it’s early in the AI marketing revolution, but this is one area you need to understand.
Behavioral-Based Customer Engagement
In the past, there was no way to greet each website visitor like they were a familiar old friend. And there was no way to know what specific information was needed to be given to them, or when to present it to them. Real time views of visitors on your website was possible, but there was nothing you could do to help convert them to a sale. You were like a ghost watching helplessly.
While post visit analytics can create useful general insights (although many analytics solutions do not create much that is actionable and reliable at the individual visit level) it’s only an AI platform that’s ready to serve up the right content at the right time.
Real Time Engagement with AI Software
And by content, we mean everything from navigation links and menus, headings/text, to videos, to blog posts, to custom niche-topic marketing pages and pop up chat. It’s content the visitor/customer actually needs and wants right then and there.
What AI software solution providers such as Albert and Blueshift have discovered is that real-time engagement by an AI system increases relevance and reduces friction. The customer journey becomes smoother, more satisfying and engaging.
When a customer finds what they want, even the before-or-after sales customer service function is optimized. The customer becomes more confident of what they want, that they will be satisfied via customer service, and it requires less time for problem resolution (questions/responding). The sales conversion process is faster and fewer sales go wrong.
More Powerful Testing means More Power to Satisfy
AI software such as Albert or Blueshift as an example allows the consolidation of all data related to the customer. It creates what they call the single customer view.
These systems can test different content pieces, headlines, product photos, layouts, events, navigation paths etc, to discover which works best. They test to discover the well worn paths to high engagement, a sale or to long term customer loyalty. Testing means they’re actively involved in cultivating a customer, so gone are the days of passive customer engagement and resignation to lost sales.
Testing leads to better real time personalization including personalization for SEO.
Personalization at Scale is Key
What smart marketers realize is that a one-size-fits-all, set it and forget it, communication strategy fails miserably.
You might have heard the personalization term frequently, and in fact, Blueshift AI is focusing on personalization at scale. It refers to serving visitors/customers one to one, no matter how many there are. Research shows that customers who receive personalized experiences stay longer and buy more. There’s a direct relationship between personalization and earnings.
Real Time Means Right Now
And these AI systems help to respond immediately to subtle differences in how visitors behave. When each customer is greeted and served as a unique, known customer, they feel more comfortable, confident, and optimistic. The growth in sales is profound. The stats reported in the Blueshift/Forrestor TEI Report published this year shows some impressive results.
Their solution and the emphasis on personalization creates so many benefits, you’ll have to check out the 20 page report yourself.
In Forrester’s analysis of benefits in the study, they found dollar value benefits in increased sales, reduced losses, real time engagement, streamlined workflow, and improved cross channel customer engagement which reached a total $10,941,429 value. That was over a 3 year period. Net income from AI-powered targeting and realtime interactions grew about $300,000 per year.
With Forrester conducting the research and ensuring validity, we can feel pretty confident of Blueshift’s AI software solution.
Real Time Personalization is an advanced, premium service which is only available in certain AI software platforms.
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