San Diego Comes Back in 2021
2020 was a very rough year for San Diego companies and workers, and December/January was a setback, yet Q3 and Q4 will be different. A city as gifted as SD can’t be kept down for long.
CEOs and managers like yourself will establish new business and service relationships that will help you excel.
The silver lining in last year’s disastrous events is that you can reinvent your business, access higher quality service providers, establish a better brand, more market presence and optimize your lead funnel. There’s a world of customers out there to attract and capture. Geolocation means nothing now.
And there’s a world of talented service companies online available at lower prices. San Diego’s high cost of living is a crippling business factor, and one you’ll have to deal with this year.
Change Will Bring Great Opportunities in 2nd Half
As customers and clients return to the market, they’ll be looking for new providers and partners. There will be big success stories in SD County. San Diegans are amazing people to work for and with new business connections this year, they’re getting the revitalization of their business they need. A refresh that includes powering up their marketing results.
Screenshot courtesy of the San Diego Union Tribune.
SD County’s Economy will Recover
California and San Diego County’s economy has changed. State GDP has taken a big fall (down 4.7% or $12 billion from 2019 ), and skilled workers and companies have left the state. Techsodus has hit the Bay Area hard and IT companies in SD County have left too for tax arbitrage advantages.
SANDAG projects GDP growth in 2021 of 4.2% in the GRP, which could bring the region’s economy back to 2019 levels. 2019 wasn’t that bad of a year. Thanks to military spending, the economic hit was less than other cities suffered. More than half of all hospitality jobs have been recovered already.
It’s hard to keep a California or San Diego focus, and instead looking outward across the nation and internationally seems inevitable for companies. Reaching new markets could be an exciting prospect for your firm.
Yes, and even the cost of digital marketing services and SEO services in San Diego has risen exponentially. Many companies will have to outsource to stay competitive. You may be evaluating your marketing budget for this year, and wonder how you can make it work.
Focus on Essentials and Look for New Solutions
There’s 3 parts to business success this year: improving your value proposition/products/services, hiring smart, and improving your marketing results.
1. Improve Your Value Proposition
Your UVP is central to everything. Since the market has changed, you need to adjust your target audience, your product/service benefits, and power up communicating your brand promise. Digital marketing can create the change, build the reach, and convert at a higher level.
2. Do Smart, Innovative Hiring
Hiring Smart means finding service firms who can add value, because you need it. How does a provider who can conduct a market leading premier digital marketing audit, create your new content, offer expert advanced SEO, and carry out your campaigns, using advanced analytics tools continuously optimize your campaign results?
And if your provider can do it at less than the usual San Diego marketing agency fees, that might be a vital bonus. Yet, it’s the new, enhanced results you’re really after. It’s wise to start out with a light service and work your way to a full fledged, digital marketing solution as your marketing builds your audience via SEO and social media.
3. Improvement Through Strategy
Improve your results via an intelligent, deliberate and active marketing strategy. The strategy is everything, however, there will always be some hacking expertise to make each piece perform better. Each fruit grows and ripens at its own pace, but each can be nurtured until the crops can be harvested.
Your new marketing strategy can produce exceptional results. Rather than buy a non unique, common solution, why not build your own marketing package, with the services you most need to get results?
All agencies sell a bill of goods with hourly billings, but that’s not what you need.
Projects Are Very Effective
I’ve always believed in doing things in projects. Why? Because focusing on different sub projects makes it more manageable, easy to organize, create better focus, measure, analyze, and generate progress that breeds confidence and good feelings.
It’s easier to get your head wrapped around things, if you tackle key components first (e.g., content, SEO, and social media reach). My book was a case in point. It had to accomplished in a structured way with each chapter feeding into the entire concept.
Only giant corporations with huge budgets can afford to keep SEO, Content and Social Media separate. Small to medium-sized businesses need to integrate them to create something much better than each on its own.
That’s the thing about your internet marketing strategy this year, is that it might struggle to be heard or seen, and be remembered.
Time to Get This Rolling!
If your content, SEO, and social media strategy is working well, then your PPC, videos, trade show events, and other promotions will work even better.
It’s this fusion of smart marketing that can take your company to market leadership.
If you’re ready to go for market leadership and grow your market, then give Gord a call at 416 998 6246. This could be great year for both of us.
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