What Excites Your Visitors?
Have you gone zip lining, hang gliding, sky diving, water sliding, roller coaster riding, white water rafting, mountain biking, or some similar adventure activity? I’ll bet you had fun.
We all love the thrill of feeling good — of experiencing something new, fresh, novel, unexpected and elevating. That’s why adventure travel is so popular. The thrill of novelty, surprise, and excitement creates enthusiasm, joy, and it actually refreshes the mind.
How many people in business and marketing right now are exhausted and spinning their wheels? Millions. And the travel businesses know this. The pandemic period has been horrible for morale, and destructive to business and to brands. Brands who can inject fun back into their brand experience are going to excel even if a recession hits.
Excitement May be the Number One Objective
Excitement isn’t easy to engineer but it’s something all marketers should use instinctively in their content or video marketing to delight customers. Let’s get this point across by highlighting what people want today. Travel is tops and adventure parks are climbing all over themselves to offer experiences such as ziplining, mountain top biking, and parasailing.

Excitement is a big part of the experience and reward. Research shows experiences involving excitement activate customer’s brains and produce chemical changes — generating feel good chemicals including endorphin, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine.
From your content then, you can generate emotions that could improve impact and promote customer loyalty. Being dull and predictable on the other hand, isn’t the way to create significance with prospects. And that’s the key that creating great experiences is big way to make your company/product/service preferred by customers.
As this pandemic ends, consumers will become receptive to more enlivening words, images and storylines. And this is in every sector not just the travel sector.
A Gallup Poll says that exciting customers creates an average 23% uplift in sales revenue
Your customers/clients are no different. Impact, awe, and excitement are a part of the value proposition they may looking for right now. Those intense emotions validate your UVP. What makes them feel good, less bored, excited and builds relevance better than anything else? You have to discover it and the 9 ways to find out are listed below.
Customers are Bored — Give Them Some Excitement!
The best cure for boredom, frustration, and confusion is a little excitement. There’s something about excitement that causes the mind to reset. And if your audience’s minds are filled with your competitors images and marketing, it can be a great to flush all that out.
Fallsview Casino is a great believer in excitement. They’ve swept advertising awards, and when the pandemic ends, they’ll be back at it again. It’s the core of their marketing campaigns and their videos contain unexpected luck, novel scenes, funny moments, and each video conveys surprising experiences.
Most scenes are not at a casino, but about a break in customer’s regular everyday life. Surprise, change and novelty are keys in making big emotional impact. Every time you experience their advertising, you forget about other casinos or entertainment venues. That’s one of the key points: make your audience forget about the competition.
We need to know what customers and clients want and what excites them. If you don’t know specifically what it is that creates and keeps a customer, you’re operating in the dark. That’s nerve wracking.
You must discover what excites your visitors, what makes them feel good, and why they’re at your site. If visitors aren’t feeling good, they won’t become your customers.
For example, within your web content, you can try some unusual topics, humorous anecdotes, stories, discussions, facts, pictures, perspectives, and contests and offers. Mix it up, experiment intelligently and you’ll discover something about visitor’s personalities and problems.
Whoever Excites the Customer Best, Wins
How To Excite Your Customers
In general, increase the number of satisfactions visible on your site (stories, photos, free trials, free giveaways, contests, discounts, fun comments and quotes, data and information, news, news, events, perspectives on new products and services). Weave these into your brand messages.
If you offer the same bland list of benefits/features for all visitors, you won’t excite them. Excited prospects come from deliberate customization and personalization. What one customer likes, turns off 50 others.
9 Ways to Learn What Excites Customers
Before you can know specifically what each visitor is engaged and excited about, you need to provide a list of the basic sparks for excitement:
- include content that entertains, dazzles, and makes them feel valued
- test and vary the layouts, font sizes, colors, and photos to see which they find attractive (e.g., use separate styles for condo hunters vs house hunters)
- test and discover which new, novel content items perk them up (customer perk and and focus when something and novel is introduced)
- test and vary the headings and copywritings style to see what they like (are large in your face font sizes and buzzword laden headings actually turning them off?)
- test the tone, keywords, and voice of your copywriting to see what they pay attention to
- test and vary incentives to see which make an impact (incentives help to focus attention but which work well?)
- use and test beautiful photos, illustrations, videos, just to see which makes them linger and follow additional material
- test and vary the value proposition to see what they really want and what you can sell (word and position your UVP differently and discover which unique concepts work best)
- do a pop up survey to see what they respond to or what it is they’re frustrated with (sometimes you’ve got to ask, and if your bounce rate is 97%, you don’t have much to lose).
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

I’m a big believer in testing because you must find out what excites your customer. If you don’t, everything else you’re doing will be ineffective. The AI analytics solution can discover all the marketing KPIs you set it to find. Faster testing means better data, and more learning opportunities.
AI systems can then deliver a personalized experience to each visitor. AI is a learning machine that trains you.
Start thinking excitement and you’ll get better results. If you’re not thinking excitement, your empathy and care of your customer/client might be put into doubt.
Make Them Feel Good
If you layout your new content or value offer on a foundation of feeling good, you’ll find even your mediocre products are flying off the shelf. People spend a lot of time polishing their own brand image, yet it doesn’t provide the big feel good lift they think it does. It’s not about you, it’s about the customer experience.
While you’re thinking about the customer experience, keep your focus on excitement, trust and comfort. Keep them calm but excited and ready to trust you and your brand.
If you want to ace the whole customer engagement, excitement and satisfaction process, you really need AI marketing solutions, particularly the testing and analytics functions. Definitely get the very best testing and analytics solutions you can afford.
Your reach, customer satisfaction and sales numbers will go through the roof. That has to be exciting for you?
AI Marketers provides digital marketing services (content, SEO, social media, PPC) for software companies, manufacturers, hotels, recruiters, moving companies, publishers, sports equipment retailers, building supplies companies, window and door companies, Realtors, investment companies, IT companies, clean energy, consumer products, branding consultants and many more.
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