Do You Need AI Driven SEO?

Do You Need AI Driven SEO?

AI and SEO Success Algorithm hackers and advanced SEOs have been trying to reverse engineer Google’s search ranking algorithm for 20 years without a lot of success. And what an amazing and very profitable discover that would be.  AI’s incredible advanced data processing ability means it could conceivably test millions of variations against Google’s core…

Making SEO Your Top Priority

Making SEO Your Top Priority

Google SEO for 2022 Are you planning for better sales results from your digital marketing efforts for 2022? Excellent! It’s time then to prioritize your marketing budget to ensure you build a marketing powerhouse. Through experience, we all discover that the free, organic exposure achieved via Google (and Facebook) and great content generates the best,…

12 Step SEO Strategy

12 Step SEO Strategy

12 Steps to Improve Your SEO Millions of organic marketers set off with goals of big traffic and leads from Google and Bing.  Yet without summoning sufficient resources, talent, and focusing efforts on what really brings results, any SEO strategy is bound to create disappointment. The reason is simple. Search engine indexes are stuffed with…

How to Write High Conversion Copy

How to Write High Conversion Copy

High Conversion Copywriting Copywriters are often expected to create sales miracles from the content they generate. Yet, with conversion rates lower than 1%, we know there aren’t too many copywriters hitting sales home runs. Others will say high conversion copywriting isn’t that important because “either you have what the customer wants or you don’t.” Still,…

Sustainable Successful SEO Takes a Little Time

Sustainable Successful SEO Takes a Little Time

Strategize your SEO to Become the Top Ranking Site If you visit search engine optimization forums such as Search Engine Journal, SEO Roundtable, or Webmaster World and read updates from a few selected SEO blogs, you’ll hear people complaining about Google algorithm updates. They report their losses, some deep and hurtful. Even after getting hit…

Google Algorithm Updates

Google Algorithm Updates

What to Know to Know About Google Algorithms What do Google search algorithm updates really mean? Will understanding them help our rankings, or is it trivial pursuit? And can an AI SEO software solution deal with it? I can’t count the number of ranking algorithm updates that Google has launched in the past 20+ years….

Outreach for Backlinks

Outreach for Backlinks

Let’s Get Educated on Link Outreach One of the most important SEO challenges involves getting other website owners and publishers to link to our site.  The process is similar to public relations, and outreach to journalists, only much broader. The goal is to get your company, content and message out there and reach people who…

AI Writing Software

AI Writing Software

AI Copywriting Software? More startups are developing marketing AI solutions for every area of your marketing department. And they promise to be profitable as well as helpful for your staff. We’ve taken a look at Artificial intelligence marketing software, AI marketing tools,  AI Sales Software, and AI Search Engine Optimization software, so it’s time for…

Switch to Google AMP Pages

Switch to Google AMP Pages

Should You Switch Your Website to Google AMP? Are your website and Google rankings not looking so hot? Are your Facebook and Twitter visitors leaving quickly and you’ve suffered through no social media shares? It could be your content isn’t good enough, but it’s more likely that your website is slow. Google considers that a…